This is the second part of the series called ' why people are not happy in their deathbed' If you haven't read the first part of this 5 article series. Then I suggest you to go and check out the first post first of all.
Click here to go to the first post. If you've already seen it, then go ahead and read this article.
A lot of people today are supporting the fact that being selfish is good. Well, they give different reasons like
And a lot more. While I wouldn't say that being selfish is bad or selfish people are bad (we all have a reason behind doing what we do), I would surely like to say that I have observed that people who are selfless are much more happier than selfish people. And when I do some selfless acts by helping other people then I get a lot of happiness which I couldn't have otherwise achieved. So I am not looking forward to being a selfish person anytime soon.
In this post I'm going to tell you some of the benefits of being a selfless person but first of all let me give my insights on the reasons that people give for being selfish (written above).
* People won't be able to use you if you're selfish -- Okay, to say the truth. I have a friend which is a selfless person as she is always willing to help other people. But nobody till now has been able to use her for their benefit because if she don't feel like doing something then she clearly says no to it. Tony Blair knew it when he said "The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes". So, if people are using a person then it's not because he is selfless it's because he is weak. He needs to learn to say no to the things that aren't important in his life.
* Being selfish means you can spend more time doing things that you like to do -- Well this is true. If you're selfish then you sure wouldn't give other people your time which will leave you with more time to do the things that you love to do. But there's a small problem here. If don't give other people your time then after a time they will certainly start to dislike you and you will start losing your relationships here. At the end, you'll be left with plenty of time to do the stuff that you love but then you'll be too alone to share your enjoyment with anyone else.
* Being selfish makes you invincible to other people's thoughts because you really don't care about what they think -- Well I've seen and met a lot of great people in my life who live their lives in their own term. They didn't cared of what other people think of them. And when I asked them for their help, they did helped me more than I asked for. This clearly states that even this statement doesn't have any foundation.
* You reap what you saw -- If you do something good to other people then you can expect that will be returned to you. Maybe not in the form of a help from another people but it'll be returned to you. The same goes for the evil. If you do something evil then it'll eventually catch up with you sooner or later.
* Add a sense of purpose in your life -- When people help others, they get a sense of feeling that they're making a difference, however small. They get to feel that their taking birth on this planet is not going waste.
* Enhance your relationships -- Who doesn't want to be near a person who can and want to help you in need. Eventually if you're selfless, you'll make a lot of friends in your life.
The bottom line is this. If you're a strong person and knows how to raise you voice then I don't think there's any disadvantage of being selfless. And being selfish generally don't really help.
To read the next part click here
Please tell me about the selfless deeds you've done in your life (comments section) so that I can also be inspired by your story. Peace:-)
Click here to go to the first post. If you've already seen it, then go ahead and read this article.
A lot of people today are supporting the fact that being selfish is good. Well, they give different reasons like
* People wont' be able to use you if you are selfish. * Being selfish means you can spend more time doing things that you like to do. * Being selfish makes you invincible to other people's thoughts because you really don't care about what they think.
In this post I'm going to tell you some of the benefits of being a selfless person but first of all let me give my insights on the reasons that people give for being selfish (written above).
* People won't be able to use you if you're selfish -- Okay, to say the truth. I have a friend which is a selfless person as she is always willing to help other people. But nobody till now has been able to use her for their benefit because if she don't feel like doing something then she clearly says no to it. Tony Blair knew it when he said "The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes". So, if people are using a person then it's not because he is selfless it's because he is weak. He needs to learn to say no to the things that aren't important in his life.
* Being selfish means you can spend more time doing things that you like to do -- Well this is true. If you're selfish then you sure wouldn't give other people your time which will leave you with more time to do the things that you love to do. But there's a small problem here. If don't give other people your time then after a time they will certainly start to dislike you and you will start losing your relationships here. At the end, you'll be left with plenty of time to do the stuff that you love but then you'll be too alone to share your enjoyment with anyone else.
* Being selfish makes you invincible to other people's thoughts because you really don't care about what they think -- Well I've seen and met a lot of great people in my life who live their lives in their own term. They didn't cared of what other people think of them. And when I asked them for their help, they did helped me more than I asked for. This clearly states that even this statement doesn't have any foundation.
Now I will like to share with you the benefits of being a selfless person so that you can also enjoy the beauty of life.
* Increase happiness -- This is simply clear. If you've ever helped a stranger (which I'm sure you've did) then you know the happiness that a person get by helping another person without any desire to get something in return.* You reap what you saw -- If you do something good to other people then you can expect that will be returned to you. Maybe not in the form of a help from another people but it'll be returned to you. The same goes for the evil. If you do something evil then it'll eventually catch up with you sooner or later.
* Add a sense of purpose in your life -- When people help others, they get a sense of feeling that they're making a difference, however small. They get to feel that their taking birth on this planet is not going waste.
* Enhance your relationships -- Who doesn't want to be near a person who can and want to help you in need. Eventually if you're selfless, you'll make a lot of friends in your life.
The bottom line is this. If you're a strong person and knows how to raise you voice then I don't think there's any disadvantage of being selfless. And being selfish generally don't really help.
To read the next part click here
Please tell me about the selfless deeds you've done in your life (comments section) so that I can also be inspired by your story. Peace:-)
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